Sponsor a dog is all we ask. Drop in queries in the comment section or mail us at anandchhaaya4dogs@gmail.com. Your sponsorship can be in name of your beloved. Trust us he or she would be eternally greatful for this true gift of love and joy. Thank you for being part of this work of love. And yes here are the few gems that are looking for sponsors amongst others. You can visit them anytime and spend quality time with your "distant" pet.

Meet Whisky. 2 year old, loving. Likes attention. Oh yes, he knows he is handsome. Don't know what he has to say about the hearts morphed on his picture though :)

Sundari – 3 years old. Very curious and extremely affectionate!

Shanti – 4.5 years old. Calm and collected, and yes that is why she is called Shanti. Came to the shelter 3 year ago. Her peaceful appearance makes her one of the main attractions at the shelter.

Rabadi – 3 year old. Cool and confident babe. She is very observant and has a great sense of humor. She is the hot favorite of all. She is so adorable – you’ll want to keep her for yourself. Did I tell you she is an aspiring model?

Julies - 6 year old. Very mature & independent. Don't trust me? Just watch her give exasperated looks when pups fight for a toy. Is pampered at the shelter in a starnge way :) She is called Julie Ma by all of us. Eats her food only when its served in the kitchen.

Jimmy– 4 years old. He has a beautiful disposition and will touch your heart. The ever hungry one... for pats and rubs. Oh yes
his favoritest toy? Ball!
"Its not easy to walk away from someone, animal or human, who is vulnerable, and in need Particularly animals, who like infants and children, the disadvantaged and the elderly, have no voice to speak. A dog with his complete trust, courageous loyalty and unjudgemental, undemanding love reminds me of the goodness that exists in the world. They need some water in their bowl, some food in their hungry bellies, and a warm pat on the head. God protects the truly vulnerable, but I think it's time you and I lent a helping hand too. Time, volunteering, provisions, resources, love or just ideation. We can help,and we should. "
Priya Chetty Rajgopal
"Its not easy to walk away from someone, animal or human, who is vulnerable, and in need Particularly animals, who like infants and children, the disadvantaged and the elderly, have no voice to speak. A dog with his complete trust, courageous loyalty and unjudgemental, undemanding love reminds me of the goodness that exists in the world. They need some water in their bowl, some food in their hungry bellies, and a warm pat on the head. God protects the truly vulnerable, but I think it's time you and I lent a helping hand too. Time, volunteering, provisions, resources, love or just ideation. We can help,and we should. "
Priya Chetty Rajgopal
“Dogs always steal my heart...especially the little pups out on the street. Before I moved to India , I adopted two Dalmatians, Kirby and Lucy, brother and sister, from the well organized Dalmatian Rescue Society in San Francisco , CA . They were abused and needed a home. Adopting them was easy and they brought incredible joy. Living in India and traveling across Asia Pacific makes makes it much more difficult to have dogs in my life - and this breaks my heart. Pets remind me to be in the present moment, forgive, and love fearlessly. What I do is adopt pets online. I do this and get a picture of the dog I sponsored...so I have an entire family of virtual dogs. I have also gotten my family into the routine of sponsoring dogs on my behalf for holidays...a much better gift for me than something I don't need or won't use in a few months. Right now my dad has pictures in his office of my dogs...the dogs he sponsored for me. This is the best, most heartfelt gift...a way to receive and also give. How about a Valentine Dog?”
Tracy Ann Curtis – a great animal lover and the brains behind this Valentine Day project
Tracy Ann Curtis – a great animal lover and the brains behind this Valentine Day project
Pics Courtesy: Sujaya